Travel News: Airlines, Tourism and Airfares
February 06, 2012
The London Heathrow Airport cancelled approx 30% of the flights at its airport as a result of heavy snow forecast, Times of India.
February 06, 2012
Due to the overwhelming doubts on economic reputation of Kingfisher Airlines, One World backs off the alliance agreement
February 06, 2012
Subsequently the losses for most airlines of India have reduced; likewise SpiceJet continues to report losses over December quarter
February 03, 2012
“Earlier we were always advised to use ATM card during the abroad trip to avail the wholesale exchange offer but things are little tougher nowadays”
February 03, 2012
Food poisoning is turning very common on the flights, what are the airline officers waiting for?
February 03, 2012
'After the cruise sinking incident, Royal Caribbean Cruise reports loss and negative impact on current as well as future bookings', BBC Travel
February 03, 2012
Important note for the passengers, "Book your flights for Cathay Airlines before 10th February as the airlines is shutting down the reservation software for two consecutive days- 11th and 12th of February 2012"
February 02, 2012
Have you ever imagine standing on the top of the tallest building of the world? Well, if you stand on the tallest building of the world; then for sure the world might look more beautiful than you have ever seen!”
February 02, 2012
“Sweden’s Winter Sami Festival Starts on first Thursday of the February month and it involves a lot of exciting activities for the people to get completely involved”
February 02, 2012
Is it really hard to take some five minutes before the flight take-off process to carefully listen to the flight safety demonstrations or pre-recorded video?