Arts, Festivals, Parties and Love to Promote Budapest
A large-scale campaign is to be launched to attract more tourists to the capital of Hungary
In order to offset the effects of the financial crisis and to increase the number of tourists visiting the Hungarian capital,a large-scale campaign is to be launched to promote Budapest as a tourist destination by a partnership of the Budapest Tourism Office, the Hungarian National Tourist Office, Malev, Budapest Airport Zrt., the Hotel Association of Hungary, and Budapest-based service providers. The campaign will go on throughout the summer season. The joint campaign aims to promote Budapest as a destination among foreign holiday-makers and to approach new target groups with a view to increasing the number of travelers visiting the capital. In addition to the strategic partners, 50 accommodation facilities also joined the campaign.
The lead topic of the campaign - Cultural Adventure - is based on a new marketing concept that introduces Budapest from a new angle as a vivid and dynamic city offering a wide range of unique cultural programmes, special or romantic locations and places to have fun. Reflecting this approach, the message of the campaign revolves around the following topics:
- Art & Design
- Party & Fun
- Relax & Enjoy
- Love & Romance
- Festivals & Events
- Summer Adventure
Target Countries and Regions
The Budapest Adventure summer campaign is focused primarily on the following countries and regions:
Target Groups
In defining the target group of the campaign it was a priority to select small and well-defined segments that represent high potential for Budapest, having appropriate income level and willingness to travel.
As a result, the primary target group includes foreigners who belong to the 20-36 age group, have high income, seek exciting cultural adventures, authentic local impressions and mainstream forms of entertaining. The secondary target group includes family men and women between 36 and 55 years of age with mid- or higher level qualifications.
Ad Tools
The organisations involved in the project advertise the Budapest Adventure campaign with irregular BTL tools, that is, related information is presented at community websites, international travel sites, sites listing cultural and other events, as well as through guerrilla actions and in the framework of foreign events.
Campaign Website
The official website of the campaign - - has already been launched, offering information on the topics of the Budapest Adventure and on the service providers, and providing a list of over 500 colourful programmes to choose from. The site introduces Budapest through the impressions and experiences of locals and foreign visitors, also using a photo gallery and videos. Through the site, those who have become interested in visiting the capital city may also book an airline ticket for a Malév flight or reserve a hotel room at one of the 50 accommodation facilities involved in the programme.
The site will remain active after the end of the campaign, and may be used as a channel to communicate future projects and campaigns launched by partnerships of professional organisations.