Capital Cargo Crewmembers Ratify Tentative Contract Agreement

The crewmembers of Capital Cargo International Airlines (CCIA), represented by the Air Line Pilots Association, Int’l (ALPA), ratified a tentative contract agreement that their Negotiating Committee had recently reached with CCIA management. Of the 95 percent of CCIA crewmembers who voted, 71 percent voted in favor of the agreement.

“The new agreement represents more than 130 enhancements to our contract—many that immediately improve the lives of our crewmembers and their families”

The contract becomes effective on August 1 and includes a pay increase, a signing bonus, improved work rules, and quality-of-life enhancements for all CCIA crewmembers. The contract was completed after nearly three years of negotiations and an intensive educational campaign that took place in June through the major crew bases in Cincinnati, Toledo, and Miami to educate all of the crewmembers on the negotiated agreement.

“The new agreement represents more than 130 enhancements to our contract—many that immediately improve the lives of our crewmembers and their families,” said First Officer Chuck Hill, chairman of the pilots’ Master Executive Council. “The fact that the majority of our crewmembers voted for the new contract reflects the Negotiating Committee’s hard work and dedication to securing this agreement.”

This is Capital Cargo crewmembers’ first ALPA contract since the crewmembers merged their independent union with ALPA in 2007. The opportunity to start the next contract negotiations as early as July 2012 is part of the newly ratified contract.

Founded in 1931, ALPA is the world’s largest pilot union, representing nearly 53,000 pilots at 38 airlines in the United States and Canada, including 122 cockpit crewmembers at CCIA. 


Source: Airline News Resource / Nevistas

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