Conciliation Commissioner to Oversee Air Transat Pilot Negotiations

The Air Line Pilots Association, International (ALPA), representing pilots employed by Air Transat, a division of Transat A.T., announced today that a conciliation commissioner was appointed to oversee negotiations between Air Transat pilots and their employer.

The appointment formally initiates the conciliation process with the Federal Mediation and Conciliation Service (FMCS) and sets in motion a series of hard deadlines for negotiators.

“We are hopeful that a tentative agreement can be reached through conciliation.”

“After more than six months of bargaining, substantial issues remain open, particularly in the areas of pilot fatigue mitigation, job outsourcing, and compensation,” said Captain Sylvain Aubin, chairman of the Air Transat Master Executive Council of ALPA. “We are hopeful that a tentative agreement can be reached through conciliation.”

Canada’s minister of labour, Lisa Raitt, appointed Ms. Maureen Flynn to serve as conciliation commissioner. The 60-day conciliation period will expire on September 10, 2010, unless the parties agree to extend the process. Following conciliation is a 21-day cooling-off period that will end October 1, 2010, setting a potential strike date of October 2, 2010.

“Air Transat pilots have contributed to the success of the company over many years,” said Captain Dan Adamus, president of ALPA’s Canada Board. “It is time for the company to recognize the contribution the pilots have made. Hopefully the appointment of the conciliation commissioner will help move the process forward.”

Air Transat pilots are backed by a $1 million grant from ALPA’s Major Contingency Fund (MCF), which provides pilots with the necessary resources to respond to threats against their jobs and the piloting profession.

Founded in 1931, ALPA is the world’s largest pilot union, representing nearly 53,000 pilots at 38 airlines in the United States and Canada, including the pilots of Air Transat.

Source: Air Transat / Nevistas

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