Eco-Friendly Liquid Pool Covers: Does It Really Save Energy?

When we first heard of a 'liquid pool cover' we were somewhat skeptical. Then we did some research and came across some hotel operators who testified the savings they attained at their properties. One hotel in Seattle, Washington with a 50'x25' pool measured 45% in savings.
Resorts, hotels and spas consume large amounts of energy, water, chemicals and electricity maintaining their pools. The problem is simple. Heat is lost from a swimming pool via evaporation. Evaporation counts for between 70% to 90% of pool heat loss. If you reduce evaporation, you reduce heat loss and as a consequence, less energy is required to heat your hotel's pool.
A liquid solar pool blanket, as Heatsavr, works by drastically reducing evaporation thus leading to a saving in heating costs, with the added benefit of reducing water and chemical loss.
Professional Pool Operators of America Study - independent and unbiased review.
For a ten-day test period, they dribbled a little over an ounce of the liquid, Heatsavr, on a 480 square-foot pool most evenings. The result was the liquid made a dramatic improvement. PPOA were pleased with the results - and they didn't have to drag the heavy cover on the pool every evening!
The proof is in the pudding (or savings) and green hotel pool owners are finding that although a hard cover can pay for itself (with a lot of work) in six months of use or less, the liquid, as the primary, can do so even faster with less effort too.
Heatsavr the Eco-Friendly Liquid Pool Cover
What is Heatsavr? It's an invisible liquid solar pool blanket that acts like a conventional swimming pool.  Heatsavr is an ECO friendly pool product that realizes a dramatic reduction in running costs for all types of outdoor swimming pools, indoor pools and spas. It will save you money on energy, water and chemical bills whilst helping you reduce your carbon emissions.
How does it work? It works by forming a monomolecular layer between the pool surface and the atmosphere around the pool. This layer helps to dramatically lower evaporation, which reduces pool heat loss.
This monomolecular layer is invisible and undetectable by pool users and is PH neutral, odorless, tasteless and leaves no residue on skin. With regular dosing of the product, this cover is ever present and working while the pool is calm, helping to retain the heat in your pool 24/7/365.
The pool can be used as normal without any adverse effects on its bathers. The cover is distributed while the the pool is in use, but it quickly reforms once the water becomes calm.
Advantages & Benefits.
For the business:

  • Reduce energy costs

  • Lower water usage

  • Decrease chemical usage

  • Lower your carbon emissions

  • Improve your carbon foot print

  • Improve your environmental profile

For outdoor pools:

  • Drastic reduction in pool utility bills

  • Realize savings of between 20% to 40% (depends on various factors)

  • Reduction in water and chemical bills

  • Reduces wear and tear on your pool heat pump

  • Helps to reduce carbon emissions and footprint

  • Non-toxic & independently safety tested

  • Biodegradable

  • PH neutral, odorless, tasteless, undetectable by users

  • Can be automatically dosed, so is labor free

  • Always working, allowing your pool to be used 24/7/365

  • Ideal for irregular shape pools

For indoor pools:

  • Drastic reduction in pool utility bills

  • Realize savings of up to 50%

  • Reduction in dehumidification and heating air costs

  • Reduce wear and tear on your pool heat pump

  • Minimize wear and tear on your dehumidification plant

  • Minimize wear and tear on air heating system

  • Reduction in water and chemical bills

  • Biodegradable

  • Non-toxic & independently safety tested

  • Helps to reduce carbon foot prink and emissions

  • PH neutral, odorless, tasteless, undetectable by users

  • Always working, allowing your pool to be used 24/7/365

  • Ideal for irregular shape pools

Best part of all, the cost for the Heatsavr kit is incredibly low. Order yours today! Click here for more information on the liquid pool cover available at
Find out about Yearly Net Savings of Independent Hotel Tests
About EcoGreenHotel 
EcoGreenHotel LLC is a privately held company, dedicated to help lodging facilities address the broad spectrum of sustainability issues. The company provides information, tools, checklists, current news and trends to the hospitality through its website, In 2009, the company launched an online marketplace for green products and services at In addition to the online offerings, EcoGreenHotel provides customized consulting services in the areas of energy efficiency and certifications (LEED, Green Seal and Energy Star), tailored to the needs of the hospitality industry. For those properties that have reached certified levels of sustainability, EcoGreenHotel assists with marketing services to position the properties within the growing “green” space and enhance revenue. For further information email [email protected] or call 888.229.0213.

Source: EcoGreenHotel / Nevistas

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