Deloitte Poll: Global Economic Downturn Has Increased Business Students’ Scrutiny of Potential Employers

In a poll of students participating in the Deloitte International Student Business Forum (ISBF), forty-five percent said that the recent global economic downturn has increased their scrutiny of potential employers; forty-eight percent indicated that the recession has diminished their trust in the authority and capabilities of corporate and government leaders; and eighty-seven percent consider strong ethics, integrity, and values important qualities in an employer.

Seventy-seven past and present attendees of the ISBF, starting today in Athens, Greece, provided insights into their career plans after graduation, the impact of the recent economic downturn on their career choices and opportunities, and the attributes they consider to be most important in an employer.

“The recent global recession brought into question the integrity and ethical behavior of many public and private sector organizations,” says Vassi Naidoo, Deloitte Touche Tohmatsu (DTT) Global Managing Partner, Talent. “As this survey indicates, young adults are looking to join employers with strength of conviction, integrity and ethics, and it is up to companies and organizations to deliver on that."

In terms of other attributes they are looking for in an employer, ninety-five percent said a commitment to learning and development was important, and the same percentage indicated the importance of advancement opportunities and career paths.

"The results of this poll underscore the desire of students to find employers who will provide them with opportunities to learn, develop, and grow in their careers," said Kent Kirch, DTT Global Director of Talent Acquisition & Mobility. “Deloitte member firms are committed to providing their people with the tools and knowledge they need to not only deliver valued service to clients, but also develop and succeed in their own careers. The International Student Business Forum is an opportunity to help develop talented students who may one day work for a Deloitte firm or client.”

At this year’s ISBF, more than 50 university students from 20 countries will work together to solve a business challenge involving real-world conditions and scenarios, culminating in a presentation of their solutions to a panel of judges. The students will be guided by Deloitte member firm leaders and professors from IMD, a leading global business school that co-sponsors the event with Deloitte.

“Students participating in the Forum are able to step out of the classroom and experience a real-world business environment,” said Naidoo. “Given its current economic challenges, Greece provides a unique back-drop for this year’s Forum. Through the unique business challenges and practical experiences presented to them at the Forum, the students will develop critical leadership skills and perspectives to help them succeed in their future careers.”

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Source: Deloitte / Nevistas

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