Where German Travelers Are Headed in 2010

HotelsCombined reports the top 10 domestic and international travel destinations for German residents in 2010. Statistics are based on the Web site's current booking leads for the upcoming year. Berlin and Hamburg top the list for domestic destinations while New York and London rank highest for international destinations.

Top 10 Domestic Destinations for German Travelers in 2010
Average Average Percent of Total Hotels on
City Room Rate Night Stay Domestic Travel HotelsCombined.de
1. Berlin EUR 80 2.5 8.2% 922
2. Hamburg EUR 81 2.1 6.0% 364
3. Munich EUR 88 2.2 4.3% 414
4. Frankfurt am Main EUR 75 1.9 2.1% 252
5. Cologne EUR 91 2.1 1.1% 384
6. Dresden EUR 78 2.5 1.0% 194
7. Leipzig EUR 68 1.9 0.6% 111
8. Duesseldorf EUR 82 2.2 0.4% 257
9. Stuttgart EUR 86 1.9 0.4% 160
10. Nuremberg EUR 72 1.7 0.3% 150

Top 10 International Destinations for German Travelers in 2010
Percent of
Average Average International Total Hotels on
City Room Rate Night Stay Travel HotelsCombined.de
1. New York EUR 116 5.1 5.1% 608
2. London EUR 90 3.5 4.0% 1,437
3. Bangkok EUR 52 3.6 3.1% 560
4. Dubai EUR 125 5.1 2.4% 407
5. Paris EUR 99 2.9 2.2% 1,740
6. Prague EUR 68 2.6 1.8% 785
7. Vienna EUR 84 2.9 1.3% 436
8. Rome EUR 91 3.7 1.2% 2,023
9. Amsterdam EUR 93 2.5 1.1% 397
10. Barcelona EUR 92 3.7 1.1% 797

The largest metropolitan cities in Germany and around the world rank at the top of these lists, and travelers find the largest variety of hotel deals in these cities on HotelsCombined.de. In Berlin alone, travelers choose from 922 hotels on HotelsCombined.de, and in London, 1,437 hotels are available to choose from.

Berlin, Germany's number one destination for meetings and conventions is also the number one HotelsCombined.de destination for German travelers in 2010. According to the Berlin Tourismus Marketing, the number of visitors and events in Berlin continues to increase, an indicator that the global economy is on the rise.

New York City ranks as the number one international destination, indicating that a high average room rate does not deter Germans from visiting this city consistently ranked the number one travel destination worldwide.

Of the top 10 international destinations, seven of those cities are within Europe, indicating a strong desire among Germans to stay close to home.

One of the most budget friendly cities (Bangkok) and one of the highest cost destinations (Dubai) are both within the top five international destinations. HotelsCombined General Manager Michael Doubinski comments, "This indicates German travelers focus travel choices on the unique experience and not on the overall cost. However, due to the continually increasing number of visitors to our site, travelers are definitely still interested in hotel deals, and they can find both budget and luxury options at HotelsCombined.de."

Source: Hotel News Resource / Nevistas

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