Clicks Vs. Phone Calls

Marketers, are any of you still working solely with companies that are charging you for each click your advertisements receive? If this is the cease – PLEASE READ THIS.

When every marketing dollar you spend should show a strong return in sales revenues, it’s extremely important to ensure you are effectively tracking and analyzing the leads generated. In the online marketing world consumers are taking a number of actions: they are seeing your ads (impressions), clicking on your ads, and, after they have found your business online, picking up the phone and calling. When analyzing each of these actions it becomes clear each generates a different quality level of lead that actually converts into sales.

On one hand, an impression simply means the consumer has loaded and presumably viewed the page where your ad appears. A click to your advertisement or website shows that your marketing message has gotten the customer’s attention and they may be interested in what your business has to offer. Clicking on your advertisement is easy. Picking up the phone takes more effort. A phone call means the customer has taken the time to call your business and interact with you. In addition, when you can’t always tell who is doing the clicking, you can certainly tell when a phone call is a motivated buyer taking that additional step.

When you think about how consumers are using the Internet today, it is clear: researching online is one of the first steps taken. Completing a Google or Yahoo! search is normally one of the first actions consumers take. They find your business either in the organic results or in the sponsored ads (e.g. Google AdWords) and click through to your landing page or website. They are showing initial interest with the click. But if your site has a phone number and the consumer calls it, they are taking the time to interact with your business. If the consumer didn’t pick up the phone, but instead just clicked to your landing page or website, you have no real interaction with that consumer. You have no real contact with them and they most likely were not ready to buy. By picking up the phone, the consumer is engaging with your business. Your sales team has the chance to further sell and close the deal. Plus, converting the sale is faster and easier – making the phone call by far the most profitable type of lead. Again, why are you paying only on cost per click or why are you paying the same amount for clicks as you are for phone calls?

Again, since tracking your ROI is so important, we at VEM GlobalTM are adamant about making sure that each of our campaigns includes analytics tools that accurately measure the results – for clicks, emails and phone calls. Specifically, we use a phone call tracking platform called Phonalytics. It tracks and records all of the phone calls being made from your advertising. We ensure that you can see as clearly as we do the difference between a phone call and a click, and how it can impact your business.

Because we see the value of phone calls and want to ensure our clients are enabled to track all of their marketing efforts, we are offering FREE trials of our Phonalytics phone call tracking platform. To find out how you can start using Phonalytics – quickly, easily and at no cost - please call 1-866-757-8229 or visit our Phone Analytics webpage.

Source: VEM Global / Nevistas

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