Zagat Releases Latest Chicago Restaurants Survey
Dining Frequency Hits an All-Time Low Since '02, but Surveyors Are Finding Better Deals
As the Windy City gears up for the 2010 Taste of Chicago, Zagat Survey today released its 2010/11 Chicago Restaurants Survey, covering 1,179 eateries in the Chicago and Milwaukee areas. This year, 5,701 local diners submitted their opinions on, incorporating a collective 830,000 meals worth of experience into the survey.
In addition to bookstores, the guide can be accessed on, ZAGAT TO GO for iPhone and iPad, and nru for Android. And through Zagat's partnership with Foursquare, the popular social-networking application, diners can unlock the Zagat Foodie badge by "checking-in" to Zagat-rated establishments. This means that diners now have access to Zagat ratings and reviews, restaurant information and Foursquare "check in" capability, all from the palm of their hands.
Results: Here are the statistical results of the current Chicago Restaurants Survey. The highlights relate to the impact of the slow economy and consumer attitudes towards "green" issues:
What effect, if any, has the weak economy had on your dining out
habits? (Check all that apply)
I'm eating out less 41%
I'm being more attentive to prices when ordering 38%
I'm eating in less expensive places 32%
I'm skipping appetizers and/or dessert 20%
I'm cutting back on alcohol 18%
I'm less likely to try new places 8%
I'm going to more expensive places for lunch instead of
dinner 7%
Other 3%
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The weak economy hasn't affected my dining out habits 29%
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Compared to 2 years ago, do you spend...?
More per meal 33%
Same amount 46%
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Less per meal 21%
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Has the economic downturn had any positive effects on your dining
habits? (Check all that apply)
Finding better deals at restaurants 57%
Cooking more and enjoying it 44%
Feel patronage is more appreciated and rewarded 43%
Able to get table at hard-to-get-in places 34%
Eating healthier (cutting back on alcohol/rich foods) 17%
Dining at better quality restaurants to ensure a good
value 15%
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Other 4%
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Compared to 2 years ago, do you eat out...?
More 18%
Same amount 48%
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Less 34%
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Of 14 possible lunches & dinners in a week, how many do you:
2004/05 2006/07 2008/09 2010/11
Skip? 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.1
Cook at home? 6.2 6.4 6.6 6.8
Eat out/take out? 6.8 6.6 6.4 6.1
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Total meals eaten per week: 13.0 13.0 13.0 12.9
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% total meals eat out/take out: 52% 51% 49% 47%
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Should trans fats be banned from food preparation in restaurants?
Yes 53%
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No 47%
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How important to you is having low-carb, low-fat, or heart-healthy
menu items available when dining out?
Extremely important 10%
Very important 21%
Somewhat important 37%
Not very important 22%
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Not at all important 10%
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How important is it to you that the food you eat is "green" (i.e.
locally sourced, organic, or sustainably raised)?
Extremely important 6%
Very important 15%
Somewhat important 44%
Not very important 24%
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Not at all important 11%
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Are you willing to pay more for food that is "green" (i.e. locally
sourced, organic, or sustainably raised)?
Yes 60%
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No 40%
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Do you typically seek out restaurants with menus that focus on
"green" (i.e. locally sourced, organic, or sustainably raised foods)
Yes 30%
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No 70%
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Since the economic downturn, is eating "green" (i.e. locally sourced,
organic, or sustainably raised foods) as important to you as before?
It's even more important to me now 12%
It's just as important to me now 45%
It's less important to me now 4%
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It's never been important to me 39%
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Should restaurants be required to conspicuously post a letter grade
reflecting the results of their health dept. inspection?
Yes 81%
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No 19%
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Has the environmental impact of bottled water affected the kind of
water you drink at restaurants?
Yes, I've changed to tap/filtered water 8%
No, I always drink tap/filtered water 79%
No, I still order bottled water if available 6%
I've changed to tap/filtered water to cut back
on my spending 5%
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I do not drink water in restaurants 2%
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Have the recent reports regarding the mercury levels in fish affected
how you order when dining out?
Yes, I'm avoiding certain fish now 19%
Yes, I'm cutting down on all types of fish 4%
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No, it hasn't affected how much fish I eat 77%
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There are a variety of other stats relating to the cost of a meal, inflation, and tipping comparisons to other cities.
Taste of Chicago: Zagat will again be supporting the 30th annual Taste of Chicago. Festival attendees can dine and relax in the Zagat Dining Pavilion presented by Chase Sapphire and peruse a special edition mini-guide of Taste of Chicago participating restaurants. On Friday, June 25, four students from the Washburne Culinary Institute will compete in Zagat's Sweet Treat Challenge to create the best Chicago-inspired dessert. The winning student receives a $1,000 scholarship to Washburne Culinary Institute. Finally, through the "Wine and Dine on Zagat's Dime" sweepstakes, dinner for two at a Zagat-rated restaurant will be given to a lucky winner.