ExpressJet Reports January 2010 Performance

ExpressJet Holdings, Inc. (NYSE:XJT) , parent company of regional and charter airline operator, ExpressJet Airlines, Inc., today reported traffic and capacity results for January 2010.

Scheduled Flying

During the month, ExpressJet revenue passenger miles (RPM) totaled 611 million, and available seat miles (ASM) flown were 849 million. ExpressJet's January load factor, operating as Continental Express, was 72%. The company flew 54,867 block hours and operated 28,863 departures during the month as Continental Express. ExpressJet operated an average of 210 aircraft within its Continental Express operation during January 2010.

Corporate Aviation

ExpressJet flew 4,234 block hours during the month in its Corporate Aviation (charter) division, including 3,229 block hours flown under a short-term arrangement with United Airlines that began December 1. During the month, ExpressJet's fleet within the Corporate Aviation division consisted of four 41-seat aircraft and 26 50-seat aircraft.

Total Fleet

ExpressJet ended January 2010 with a fleet of 244 aircraft consisting of 208 operating as Continental Express, and 30 flying within Corporate Aviation (charter), including 10 operating as United Express. The remaining 6 aircraft were in various modification lines preparing for the multiyear arrangement that begins with United in May 2010.


Month Ending Month Ending
January 31, 2010 January 31, 2009 Year Over Year Change

Continental Corporate Continental Corporate Continental Corporate
Express Aviation Express Aviation Express Aviation
----------- --------- ----------- --------- ----------- ---------

(millions) 611 530 15%
Seat Miles
(millions) 849 777 9%
Load Factor 72.0% 68.2% 3.8 pts
Block Hours 54,867 4,234 51,470 1,197 7% n/m
Departures 28,863 26,598 9%
Stage Length 590 586 1%
Fleet 210 34* 214 30 (2%) 13%

Year to Continental Corporate Continental Corporate Continental Corporate
date Express Aviation Express Aviation Express Aviation
----------- --------- ----------- --------- ----------- ---------

(millions) 611 530 15%
Seat Miles
(millions) 849 777 9%
Load Factor 72.0% 68.2% 3.8 pts
Block Hours 54,867 4,234 51,470 1,197 7% n/m
Departures 28,863 26,598 9%
Stage Length 590 586 1%
Fleet 210 34* 214 30 (2%) 13%

* Includes 6 aircraft in various modification lines preparing for the
multiyear arrangement that begins with United in May 2010.

Source: ExpressJet / Nevistas

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