NACC Regrets Increase in Costs to Be Borne by Air Travellers

The National Airlines Council of Canada (NACC) expressed disappointment with the federal government's decision to download increased security costs onto air travellers but nonetheless welcomed its intention to strengthen aviation security in Canada through a full review of CATSA.

"Given the fragile state of the airline industry, we are disappointed that the federal government has chosen to substantially increase the Air Travellers Security Charge, thus placing the cost of what is fundamentally a matter of national concern onto passengers," stated George Petsikas, NACC President. "We believe it is the government's responsibility to provide security to its citizens and to visitors to Canada."

NACC said it fully endorses Transport Minister John Baird's stated objective of taking the necessary measures to ensure "all Canadians (are) safe and secure from terrorism."

Still, the Council believes that as beneficiaries of these measures, all Canadians should share in shouldering the costs, not only air travellers.

The security of air travellers is of paramount concern and Canada's largest air carriers recognize the critical importance of ensuring Canadians can travel in the safest conditions possible.

The NACC said that the proposed CATSA review is a long-awaited opportunity to improve the effectiveness of the agency.

"We look forward to working with the government to make security less disruptive for passengers," said Mr. Petsikas.

The National Airlines Council of Canada is a trade association founded by Canada's largest commercial airlines in order to ensure safe, sustainable and competitive air travel for Canadian consumers.

Source: Airline News Resource / Nevistas

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