Wild Alaska Halibut and Black Cod Season Opens March 6, 2010

Fishermen and women alike are heading out to the fishing grounds with marked anticipation as the 2010 wild Alaska halibut and black cod (sablefish) season opens March 6, 2010. Catch limits for Alaska halibut and black cod are set at 40.3 million pounds and 24.9 million pounds, respectively.
Alaska is home to over 75% of the wild Pacific halibut and over 70% of the wild black cod caught in the U.S.; in other words, we have plenty of it. Halibut is harvested exclusively in Alaska's pure, pristine waters with longline gear; black cod is harvested by longline and pots.

Alaska halibut and black cod, and in fact all seafood from Alaska, are wild and sustainable seafood choices. In fact, Alaska is the only state in the nation to have sustainability language written into its Constitution.

Chefs Welcome the Alaska Halibut and Black Cod Season

Renowned chefs Mary Sue Milliken and Susan Feniger will also be gearing up for the Alaska halibut and black cod season in their award winning restaurants Border Grill and Ciudad."Wild Alaska Halibut Veracruzana is one of our most popular dishes at Border Grill. Alaska halibut is one of our favorites because it sears well in the pan, cooks evenly without flaking, and doesn't overcook easily, which makes it a good choice for a party. Plus, it's sustainable!" note Mary Sue and Susan. Click here to download their recipe: Wild Alaska Halibut Veracruzana

The Too Hot Tamale Chefs add, "Wild and sustainable black cod is another fish from Alaska that we love to cook at the restaurant and at home. The texture is silky and rich, and the flavor is mild and slightly sweet

Source: Restaurant News Resource / Nevistas

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