Air Cargo: Efficiency, Quality and Security Are Key - Entire Supply Chain Must Back Industry Initiatives

The International Air Transport Association (IATA) called upon the entire air cargo value chain to drive efficiencies and improve competitiveness by supporting IATA e-freight. IATA also called for a renewed focus on quality via Cargo 2000 and a more effective and cost efficient approach to security with IATA’s Secure Freight program.

“We are starting to see some signs of optimism on the horizon. But we cannot rebuild on the old foundations. This recession has changed global business. To remain competitive, air cargo must improve its quality and reduce its costs,” said Giovanni Bisignani, IATA’s Director General and CEO in a message to 750 industry experts attending the IATA World Cargo Symposium being held in Vancouver, Canada.

The global recession continues to challenge the global air cargo industry. Cargo revenues were down by one quarter in 2009 compared to the previous year—the most precipitous drop ever. The end of 2009 and the beginning of 2010, however, saw a strong upturn in cargo volumes to a level 28% higher than the low point seen in late 2008, according to the new IATA Cargo E-Chartbook released today.

Source: IATA / Nevistas

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