LABTA Urges Enactment of FAA Reauthorization Legislation

With a vote expected in the Senate this week, the Los Angeles Business Travel Association (LABTA) membership is urging their elected representatives to pass the FAA Reauthorization Act to improve aviation safety and capacity, and provide stable funding for the national aviation system.

An e-mail campaign was launched over the weekend by LABTA in a major push to win Senate approval for the long-stalled legislation. LABTA is the largest chapter of the National Business Travel Association.

"The LABTA supports the FAA Reauthorization Bill and urges our members to contact his or her elected representatives today," said Frank Dolce, LABTA's Director of Legislative Affairs. "Time is of the essence. Together we can help pass this important legislation putting us on a flight path to increased safety in the skies."

Dolce said the bill will provide funding for the Next Generation Air Transportation System (NextGen) air traffic control system that will make the skies safer by using a satellite-based system of air traffic management, replacing the current ground-based system. The satellite system is capable of directing air traffic in a more direct-pattern from point to point which can save millions of gallons of fuel over time which also reduces the amount of time any given flight is in the air, thus reducing CO2 emissions.

About LABTA: The Los Angeles Business Travel Association (LABTA) is the largest chapter of the National Business Travel Association (NBTA), the world's premier business travel and corporate meetings organization. LABTA represents more than 250 business travel professions including corporate and government travel, meeting managers, and travel service providers in five counties in Southern California. They collectively manage and direct millions of dollars of global business travel and meeting expenditures annually on behalf of

Source: Airline News Resource / Nevistas

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