GOL Announces Additional Information Regarding Its Financial Estimates

The Company expects accelerated growth of the number of Smiles program participants, Buy on Board service and Ancillary Revenue for 2010 and 2011

GOL Linhas Aereas Inteligentes S.A. (NYSE: GOL; BM&FBOVESPA: GOLL4), the largest low-cost and low-fare airline in Latin America, announces additional information regarding its financial estimates for 2010 and 2011.

-- SMILES program clients: growth of its current client base of 6.7 million to 9.1 million participants by the end of 2010 (about a 35% increase compared to February 2010 and a 40% increase compared to the 6.5 million participants in December 2009).

-- Buy on Board expansion, additional board service offered by the Company since April 2009, from 42 daily flights to about 50% of its daily flights by the end of 2010.

-- Expansion of ancillary revenue to represent up to 20% of net revenue in 2011, considering its financial revenues, due to the expansion of the VoeFacil program, focus on cargo services (GOLLOG), Buy on Board, and other products to be launched by GOL and its commercial partners, which will explore its e-commerce platform.

About GOL Linhas Aereas Inteligentes S.A

GOL Linhas Aereas Inteligentes S.A. (NYSE: GOL and BM&FBOVESPA: GOLL4), the largest low-cost and low-fare airline in Latin America, offers more than 860 daily flights to 50 destinations that connect all the important cities in Brazil and 11 major destinations in South America and the Caribbean. The Company operates a young, modern fleet of Boeing 737 Next Generation aircraft, the safest and most comfortable of its class, with high aircraft utilization and efficiency levels. Fully committed to seeking innovative solutions through the use of cutting-edge technology, the Company -- via its GOL, VARIG, GOLLOG, SMILES and VOE FACIL brands -- offers its clients easy payment facilities, a wide range of complementary services and the best cost-benefit ratio in the market.

Source: Travel Industry Wire / Nevistas

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