Cornell and SAS Webcast Panel Says Sustainability Is Here to Stay

The good news: 'green' operation can save money, when it's well designed

As hotels worldwide seek to unravel the challenges and contradictions of sustainable operation, panelists on a new webcast from SAS and the Cornell Center for Hospitality Research explain how to successfully implement "green" operations—and avoid potential pitfalls. They suggest that the key to managing a sustainable business is to be strategic, sincere, and comprehensive in green initiatives. The webcast brought together Alyssa Farrell, marketing manager for sustainable solutions, SAS; Dennis Quaintance, CEO and chief design officer, Quaintance-Weaver Group; and Alex Susskind, associate professor, Cornell School of Hotel Administration. This and other SAS and CHR webcasts can be viewed at no charge at

Source: Cornell Center For Hospitality Research / Nevistas

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