American Airlines 'Eco-Friendly' Test on Trans-Atlantic Flight to Prove Fuel, Carbon Savings Benefits of NextGen Technology

When American Airlines Flight 63 departs Paris for Miami at 10 a.m. local time today, it embarks upon a journey that aims to prove trans-Atlantic flights can be operated a bit greener and leaner.

Through the Atlantic Interoperability Initiative to Reduce Emissions (AIRE), American will be the first U.S. airline to test next-generation technology and procedures that will significantly reduce carbon emissions and save fuel on trans-Atlantic routes. The testing will be conducted during a normally scheduled flight so American can obtain real-time benefits.

AIRE, a joint initiative among the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA), the European Commission (EC), and several international airlines, is designed to speed up application of new technologies and operational procedures, which have a direct impact on reducing carbon emissions and noise pollution as well as conserving fuel.

Source: American Airlines / Nevistas

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