Aerosvit Started to Operate a New AN148-100B

The Ukrainian Airlines aircraft will serve on a regular Kiev - Kharkiv - Kiev route

June 2, 2009 saw the launch of the first commercial flight of a regional jet AN148-100B. Aerosvit - Ukrainian Airlines operates this aircraft on a regular Kiev - Kharkiv - Kiev route jointly with Antonov Design Complex.

The start of a regular operation of a new modern jet, compliant with ICAO and Eurocontrol regulations is a significant waypoint in the AN148 program. The aircraft can operate in regions with intensive air trafic without any limitations. AN148 can operate in various climate and weather conditions.

Initially the aircraft will operate on Aerosvit's domestic routes. In the nearest future, after all legal and technical issues are agreed, the AN148 plane will operate on international routes. AN148 will replace AN24 and Yak42 aircraft.

Aerosvit operates Kiev - Kharkiv flight on a daily basis. The plane departs Kiev Boryspil airport at 13:30 and arrives to Kharkiv at 14:30. Later on the day it departs Kharkiv at 17:50 and arrives in Kiev at 18:50.

Source: Aerosvit

Photo: First passangers of the new Ukrainian AN148 aircraft. (© Aerosvit)

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