Spending by Travelers Saves U.S. Taxpayers
Each American Taxpayer Would Owe $950 More in Taxes This Year without Tax Revenues from Travel Industry
According to the U.S. Travel Association, American taxpayers would have to pay an average of $950 more per household on “tax day” if not for the tax revenues generated by travel and tourism to and within the United States.
“Take a moment to extend some friendly hospitality to the tourists in your city or town today – the money they spend has saved you nearly one thousand dollars in personal taxes this year,” said Roger Dow, president and CEO of the U.S. Travel Association. “The leisure or business traveler staying at the nearby hotel, eating at a local restaurant, shopping or visiting a local attraction is keeping your local economy vibrant and putting money in your pocket.”
The money travelers inject into the economy often means more money for civic development, infrastructure and state and local jobs such as teachers, firefighters and police forces. In 2009, travel spending by U.S. and international visitors resulted in more than $111 billion in tax revenue for federal, state and local government. Of that total, $77.3 billion came from leisure travel and $34.2 billion was generated by business travel, including meetings and conventions.
Travel is a $704 billion industry that generates tax revenue and jobs across the country. One in 13 American workers is employed either directly or indirectly by the travel industry. In addition to those directly employed by the industry, millions of Americans are indirectly employed as a result of the business generated by travel, including caterers, audio/visual companies and retailers.