1.1 Million International Departing Passengers Lost Today

The loss of European international passenger traffic today will be in the region of 1.1 million at the departure level
The European Shut Down
The Effect on European Traffic Today

- the estimate assumes broadly the same pattern of cancellations as yesterday
- with some 7500 flights in the air at 12.00 noon GMT, this seems reasonable
- it presumes a 0.5% increase on the number of scheduled flights compared with last week.
The Passenger Loss To Date
At close of play tonight it is likely that the cumulative lost departure traffic will equate to 10.5% of the total for the month of April.
Massive Damage Potential This Week
On the assumption that neither weather nor regulations change, then the damage potential for this week will be as follows:
International Departing Passengers
  Lost Pax mn Lost Cumulative mn Month %
Monday 1.076 4.400 10.5
Tuesday 1.037 5.437 12.9
Wednesday 1.063 6.501 15.5
Thursday 1.050 7.551 18.0
Friday 1.114 8.665 20.6
Saturday 1.042 9.707 23.1

Source: Air4casts


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