WTTC Seeks 'informed Policies, Not Empty Promises' to Benefit Travel and Tourism

The World Travel & Tourism Council - the voice of the world's 100 foremost Travel & Tourism leaders - has called for the next British Government to commit to informed policies that create the environment in which Travel & Tourism thrives. The call comes as the UK's political parties unveil their manifestos this week ahead of the general election.

At a meeting of senior figures from the public and private sector today (15 April 2010) in London, WTTC President & CEO Jean-Claude Baumgarten said: "The Travel & Tourism economy supports 3 million jobs in the UK but if government policies do not change, employment growth will be slow - increasing by only 0.6% annually between now and 2020." This is just half the rate of growth projected for European Union member countries overall and less than one quarter of the forecast world growth rate.

Travel & Tourism does not necessarily need extra public funding, Baumgarten added, "but it does need its government to ensure a level playing field to help it reach its full potential. At the time of a general election, WTTC would like to see informed policies, not vague promises from the parties. Industry players and their employees have the opportunity over the coming weeks to ask candidates about issues that can directly affect their livelihoods."

The Council and its Members have identified three priority issues that the next UK Government must address if visitor exports are to realise a potential 4.3% annual growth over the next decade.

- Visa pricing and processing
- Reducing or removing taxation
- Developing transport infrastructure

Baumgarten also drew comparisons to China, host next month of WTTC's 10th Global Travel & Tourism Summit in Beijing, where the State Council recently approved tourism Guidelines that give the highest recognition yet to the industry as a strategic pillar supporting the national economy. The Summit will welcome leaders from the private and public sector to explore the issues and ways forward to ensure a sustainable future for Travel & Tourism.

Currently seventh in the league table of countries with the highest visitor export earnings (ie inbound tourism spending), the UK could, with sufficient support, regain its position in the top five by 2020. New figures released today reveal a 4% increase in visits to the UK from overseas in the first two months of the year, worth

Source: World Travel & Tourism Council / Nevistas

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