Advertising Forecast: Less TV, More Internet has announced the addition of Yankee Group's new report '2009 Advertising Forecast Update: Less TV, More Internet,' to their collection of Internet Advertising market reports.

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In June 2009, we forecast that TV advertising was going to drop 4 percent from 2008. We were wrong. The U.S. ad market declined 12 percent in 2009, and consumers actually reduced the amount of time they spent with all media by two hours. With TV experiencing the most decline, advertisers and operators need to emphasize their online and mobile strategies.

Topics covered in the report include...

  1. Advertising Takes Another Hit

  2. Changes in Consumer Time Spent Drive Ad Market Shifts

  3. Slow Growth Returns in 2010

  4. Why Our Numbers Differ: Consumer Attention Versus Automation

  5. Conclusions and Recommendations

Source: Nevistas SC / Nevistas

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