Panamian Carrier Prevents Spreading of Influenza A
Copa Airlines announces measures for the well-being of its employees and passengers
As a company concerned for the security and well-being of its passengers, clients and collaborators, Copa Airlines would like to inform its clients that it has worked closely with the Panamanian and International health and aeronautical authorities in applying the norms and recommendations established for the prevention of the spread of Influenza A (H1N1).
Copa Airlines main actions in guaranteeing the well-being and security of its passengers are the following:
- The new Copa Airlines aircrafts are equipped with advanced HEPA (High Efficiency Particulate Air Filter) air circulation and filtering systems that remove more than 99% of air impurities.
- The interiors of aircrafts undergo daily deep cleanings.
- All passengers who arrive or depart from Panama, as well as those who are in transit are required to sign an affidavit with specific facts related to the prevention of the epidemic.
- All the airport, onboard and aircraft staff have masks, gloves and antibacterial gel available for their usage while at work. The masks are also available to any passenger who may request them.
Due to the above, Copa Airlines asks its clients and passengers to take the preventive methods recommended by the national and international health authorities that highlight the basic personal hygiene measures. At the same time, we invite you to continue to choose Copa Airlines, "Hub of the Americas" in Panama, it being the most efficient and convenient spot when traveling throughout Latin America.