New Flight From the USA to India with Landing in Germany

Air India to introduce its daily service between Ahmedabad and Frankfurt

Air India will introduce a daily direct flight between Ahmedabad (the largest city in the state of Gujarat, India) and Frankfurt (Germany) providing convenient connections to Newark and Chicago at Frankfurt, the new international hub of Air India. Passengers coming in from Newark and Chicago will connect to Ahmedabad at Frankfurt. This new flight operated with Boeing 747-400 aircraft will commence from June 1, 2009.

The flight AI-121 will depart Ahmedabad at 02:05 and arrive Frankfurt at 06:50. The flight AI-120 will depart Frankfurt at 11:10 and arrive Ahmedabad at 22:25.

Ahmedabad will also have a daily flight to London via Mumbai with effect from June 1, 2009.

The flight AI-131 will depart Ahmedabad at 21:45, arrive Mumbai at 22:45, leave Mumbai at 02:20 and arrive London at 07:30. On the return direction, flight AI-130 will depart London at 09:45, arrive Mumbai at 23:35, leave Mumbai at 01:05 and arrive Ahmedabad at 02:05.

The Mumbai-London-Mumbai sector of this flight will be operated with the new state-of-the-art Boeing 777 aircraft.

Source: Air India

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