London Shows Double Digit Rise As Provinces Slow Decline - UK Chain Hotels Market Review - March 2010

The brief January profit freeze ended in February as trading for hoteliers in the UK thawed and turned positive, according to the latest HotStats survey from TRI Hospitality Consulting. UK Gross Operating Profit per Available Room (GOPPAR) grew by 6.8% in the month of February, back on the rising trend started at the end of last year, although growth still remains negative on a 12 month rolling basis.

More stable trading conditions for UK Provincial hotels and the London recovery resulted in an 8.3% increase in March 2010 UK Gross Operating Profit per Available Room (GOPPAR) performance according to the latest HotStats survey from TRI Hospitality Consulting.

The big winner has been London which showed a massive 17.6% rise in GOPPAR in March. The provinces showed a more modest fall, of 2.5%, compared to previous months on this same measure.

After turbulent weather over the winter period affected UK provincial performance, there were more stable trading conditions in March to register a 3.0 percentage point increase in occupancy performance (to 69.3%). Average room rate increased by 0.8% in March to

Source: TRI Hospitality Consulting / Nevistas

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