Money Tips You Need to Know Before Heading to South Africa for the 2010 FIFA World Cup™

As hundreds of thousands of football fans are making their check lists and preparations to attend the 2010 FIFA World Cup™, Visa, a FIFA Partner and the preferred card of the tournament, has released a Top 10 list of useful payment card tips to ensure everyone traveling to South Africa for the FIFA World Cup™ make the most out of their experience.

The Visa Visitor Guide: South Africa 2010 offers an array of information on must see heritage sites, museums, and safari parks as well as shopping and dining insights from local experts, and now includes an updated tournament schedule and a list of the 32 qualified teams.

“To ensure any trip is a success, travelers must prepare in advance, especially when it comes to their money. When traveling internationally, it’s important to know what payment cards are accepted, the best way to exchange your money for local currency and what to do in an emergency.”

“We want to make sure people attending the 2010 FIFA World Cup™ have a memorable experience, so for fans traveling to South Africa we created this easy reference travel guide to help answer questions about the area and help them prepare for their trip,” said Antonio Lucio Chief Marketing Officer of Visa Inc. “To ensure any trip is a success, travelers must prepare in advance, especially when it comes to their money. When traveling internationally, it’s important to know what payment cards are accepted, the best way to exchange your money for local currency and what to do in an emergency.”

Money Tips for Travelers

For a safe and enjoyable time in South Africa, here are 10 payment card and money tips you need to know before you go. Remember, the 2010 FIFA World Cup South Africa™ proudly accepts only Visa-branded payment cards, along with cash, in all 2010 FIFA World Cup™ stadiums, to pay for food and beverages, retail goods, and services.

1. You’ll need a Visa card or cash to pay for items at all FIFA World Cup™ venues. To get a Visa credit, debit or prepaid card visit your bank or go to

2. Remember to notify your issuing bank that you will be traveling and that you will be using your Visa credit or debit card abroad to avoid any issues when transacting.

3. If you lose your card, report it to your issuing bank immediately! Put Visa’s Global Customer Care Assistance toll-free hotline number in your mobile phone, 0-800-990-475.

4. Take advantage of special merchant offers while in South Africa – for details read the Visa Visitor Guide: South Africa 2010. Click here to download or visit to view an interactive version.

5. While you’re travelling, set up automatic bill pay for your credit card and make sure you have sufficient funds in your debit account.

6. In case of an emergency, keep records of your account numbers and PINs (personal identification numbers) in a safe and secure place.

7. Contact your issuing bank about travel-related benefits for Visa cardholders.

8. Look for the Visa or PLUS logo on ATMs or a point-of-sale to ensure international payment cards are accepted. To find the nearest ATM visit

9. Always have a small amount of Rand, plus a Visa payment card on you while traveling throughout South Africa.

10. Carefully review your payment card statements and contact your issuing bank immediately if you see any suspicious or incorrect charges.

Visa Visitor Guide: South Africa 2010

South Africa has something for everyone – adventure, beauty, culture and history. Visa worked with local experts to identify information specific to the culture of South Africa and the communities within each host city. To help football fans traveling to watch their favorite team compete in the 2010 FIFA World CupTM, new information has been added to ensure everyone going to South Africa is well informed and prepared. In addition to the Top 10 payment card tips that fans should keep in mind before, during and after their trip, an updated schedule has been added and a list of all qualified teams which will offer an at-a-glance option for travelers as they make plans around each game.

The Visa Visitor Guide: South Africa 2010 also offers information such as: a football glossary, travel-related benefits for Visa cardholders, transportation information and helpful tips for attractions, shopping, dining and more in each host city. Special merchant offers for Visa cardholders such as discounts at heritage sites, museums, parks and other attractions throughout South Africa are also included – designated by a small blue Visa card throughout the guide.

Source: Travel Industry Wire / Nevistas

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