Planning, Budgeting, and Forecasting Should Put Value Back in the Business
For most consumer products (CP) executives, the process for planning, budgeting, and forecasting (PBF) is inconvenient at best and irrelevant at worst. Time is spent and resources wasted, on an overly complicated process. For what?
When we asked that old question recently, we came up with a new answer: PBF should put value back in the business.
In the 2009 article, “Rethinking the numbers game: Putting “value” front-and-center in planning, budgeting, and forecasting,” Deloitte describes the way we believe PBF should work — as a backbone process that allows a CP company to fund initiatives based on their contribution to the realization of the enterprise strategy (value creation), to maintain and protect the current value of the enterprise (value stewardship), and to align performance with the strategic plan (value management).