No Extra Charges Because of Influenza Virus

Mexicana Airlines issued special warning to its passengers regarding a possible flu epidemic

Dear Passenger,

In light of statements issued by Mexican health authorities regarding a possible flu epidemic, Grupo Mexicana is offering international passengers traveling to Mexico City, or who are required to catch connecting flights at the Mexico City airport, the option of rescheduling their flights and/or travel dates at no extra charge. The following conditions apply:

  • Passengers must be scheduled to travel between April 24 and April 30, 2009.
  • In the event you choose to reschedule your flight and no seats are available in the class you originally booked, you will be charged only the difference on the applicable fare.
  • Your new ticket will remain valid for one year as of the date of issue.
For further information, please call the following numbers:
Mexico City:
(52) (55) 5998-5998
Other states in Mexico:
01 800 801 2010
United States & Canada:
1877 801 2010

Source: Mexicana Airlines

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