USA to Europe cheapest flight destinations

In the past days the most popular cities to fly to, where the big ones like London, Paris, Frankfurt and Amsterdam, these fly destinations where also the cheapest ones.
So what are those cities it is cheaper to fly to now? By calculating they appear to be Oslo, Dublin, Lisbon, Stockholm and Paris.

Many Americans are flying to Europe during high season booking airline tickets on In the past days the most popular cities to fly to, where the big ones like London, Paris, Frankfurt and Amsterdam, these fly destinations where also the cheapest ones. You can find and book these destinations
Nowadays things have changed, now these common fly destinations can be most expensive in some cases. When airline business is evolving so quickly, people have to react to this in the same pace.

These days the cheapest cities to fly to from America have changed. Unnecessary to say, that prices for airline tickets vary, depending on what city you are flying from. The economy flights to Europe from the USA are generally from the east coast. As expected, not so many non-stop flights you can find at a low-price, thus many flying passengers are ready to change their planes at least ones to cut the expenses. It is well known, that cheap flights from New York are mostly non-stop flights, and from other American cities you will have to change the planes to get to your destination for a decent price. You can find and book these flights on

So what are those cities it is cheaper to fly to now? By calculating they appear to be Oslo, Dublin, Lisbon, Stockholm and Paris. If you are lucky you can come across a cheap flight and then if you need to travel further, you can try traveling by rail or low-cost airlines. However, sometimes it might not be justified to fly into one city and then booking another round-trip flight to your final destination, but still in some situations it might work out cheaper. Plan your journey with

Author: Yana Sharkevich


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