Talk About an Instant, 24 Hour News Cycle and Impact - The Maldives Seek Damage Control with Tourism Blunder. By John Hendrie

News travels quickly in this technical age, particularly bad news. DMO’s (Destination Marketing Organizations) are constantly on their toes to represent their constituents in a favorable light. But, sometimes, DMO might stand for 'Didn’t Mean Offense', as in the case of the Maldives.

This acclaimed Tourism Destination now needs publicists and PR to address, or redress, a very shabby recent incident, to wit, a renewal of Marriage Vows gone asunder. Note - action taken thus far has been very good.

It is fashionable for many couples to renew the vows they once made, entering matrimony. And, it is often de rigueur to do so in some far off, exotic locale. The Maldives, an Indian Ocean archipelago, would appear to be a sublime choice and is indeed a well-known Destination. This is an economy driven by Tourism. In this most recent incident, there might be a local caveat – have the ceremony conducted in a language you know, oh trusting love birds.

As the story unfolds, courtesy of You Tube, an unsuspecting Swiss couple have the renewed vows ceremony conducted by a hotel employee in his native tongue and, unknown to the blissful pair, he took some liberties with the narrative, no doubt joyful to his ears but insulting to the couple and the rite. The words used were abusive and profane with some obvious religious overtones, as well. The You Tube posting translated the ceremony with English subtitles.

This was a certifiable disaster for the couple, the host hotel and the Maldives when the video went viral, and all sorts of diplomatic and compensatory scurry and flurry has taken place. The hotel employees have been arrested.

This is most likely an isolated event, but the lesson is very real, and Maldives Tourism officials raced to crisis management mode in a very respectful and timely fashion, protecting their idyllic Destination. "Episodes such as that captured on video have no place in the Maldives and are not in any way representative of the holiday experience enjoyed by thousands of visitors each year," the ministry said.

This example should be discussed at your next DMO Executive session, for you never know what might happen in your Destination, and a plan of action to address whatever the event may be is a strategic advantage. It is all about the Visitor and Guest Experience!

Source: LRA Worldwide / Nevistas

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