WestJet Vacations Joins TICO

WestJet Vacations today announced it has joined the  Travel Industry Council of Ontario (TICO).
This membership provides Ontario travel agents with the opportunity to further promote WestJet Vacations as a member of TICO, whose mission is to promote a fair and informed marketplace where consumers can be confident in their travel purchases.
“WestJet Vacations is excited to be a part of TICO,” said Chris Avery, Vice-President, WestJet Vacations. “Today’s news underlines our commitment to growing our presence in Ontario, a critical segment of the Canadian travel market, and better serving the needs of our travel agent partners.”
TICO President and CEO Michael Pepper welcomes the addition of WestJet Vacations as a licensed tour operator, “Customers purchasing WestJet Vacations travel products through Ontario travel agents will now be covered by the provisions of the Ontario Travel Industry Act 2002 and Regulation 26/05.”
This announcement follows the October 8 response to an open letter from the Association of Canadian Travel Agencies where WestJet Vacations pledged a continued commitment to fair, transparent pricing practices and a strong relationship with the travel trade community.

Source: WestJet / Nevistas

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