Tourism Australia Joins World’s First Travel Video Search Site announced today that Tourism Australia has joined leading destinations, hotels and attractions worldwide participating on VideoGlobetrotter - the world’s first and only travel video search site.

“We’re delighted to be working with Tourism Australia and look forward to helping to promote tourism there ”  said VideoGlobetrotter Vice President Edmund Lackner. combines the phenomenon of videos on the internet with the popularity of internet travel. Over 70 million adults in America used the internet last year for travel planning. “Any destination marketer with an increased presence on the internet is at a definite advantage” said Lackner. The easy to navigate website allows travelers to “look before they book”.  The wide variety of travel videos are both entertaining and informative. For visitors who want to book travel, offers very competitive rates on hotels, airfare, cruises and vacation packages.

The Tourism Australia video will also be indexed on AOL Worldwide through VideoGlobetrotter,   giving the destination video exposure to an additional 40 million unique visitors monthly.

For more information on VideoGlobetrotter:

[email protected]


For more information on Tourism Australia:


Source: VideoGlobetrotter / Nevistas

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