Best Practices for Effective Website Content

Creative web site design is cool, but content reigns. Why should Web readers choose your resort over another resort? As a resort owner, every single point you throw at your readers needs to convince them to read on and act. It’s time to focus on the main component of a truly great web site – content.

As a rule of thumb for web site content writing, throw in a few search engine keywords, a powerful call to action and a unique selling point.

How will you know that your web site’s content is effective? Just follow these rules:

  • Inverted pyramid style of writing – There’s a hierarchy for web site writing. Get your point/message across early. Web site visitors are impatient and need to know that the Web page they are reading is relevant. Start with a summary or overview and then expand on each point. Or dive in right away with your main points. Example: press releases always start with the most important points to intrigue readers and hold their interest throughout the rest of the news story.

  •  Be concise – Use clear and brief paragraphs and sentences. Each paragraph should revolve around one simple idea. Aim for 300-500 words per Web page. If you feel your main idea needs further support, for example through technical articles, newsletters or other websites, you should include navigational links to these (see Web Content Basics article).

  • Use simple language – Keep Web page content to a high school reading level. Engage your readers using language that everybody can understand. Example: prominent, national newspapers adhere to this point to gain higher readership.

  • Catchy headlines and sub-headlines – Headlines and sub-headlines not only enable you to structure each Web page, but also direct visitors to read on. Caution: Don’t do anything too clever. You need to ensure that your headlines are relevant, informational and easily understood at a glance.

  • Select the right font style, color and size – Web page content must be readable as you navigate from page to page or scroll up and down. For more information on best font styles, colors and sizes, please refer to Web Content Basics article. 

  • Final thoughts – After all of the work you’ve put into making sure your content is informative and relative, it’s best to end with the following mantra: keep it simple, concise, clean and relevant.

If you’re having difficulty writing the perfect web site content, it’s best to use professional content writers.

To learn more, please visit the VEM GlobalTM Website Design page or call 1-866-757-8229!

Source: VEM Global / Nevistas

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