Labor Day Weekend Airfare Most Affordable of Summer

Travelocity Data Shows Cheap Flights for End-of-Summer Travel

Travelocity’s Labor Day data report reveals good news for travelers looking for cheap flights over the upcoming holiday weekend. Average domestic airfare is at its lowest point of the summer, and Labor Day weekend is the least expensive of the three summer holiday weekends to fly. Additionally, the average year-over-year fare increase is lowest for Labor Day weekend travel.

“This is great news for people looking for travel deals on one last summer getaway.”

Time Period

  Average Domestic Fare   Year-Over-Year Change
Summer   $364   +20%
Memorial Day Weekend   $332   +16%
July 4th Weekend   $379   +23%
Labor Day Weekend   $314   +11%

“With low fares and hotel deals that are on par with the lows of 2009, Labor Day weekend is shaping up to be the best value of the summer for travelers,” said Genevieve Shaw Brown, Travelocity’s senior editor. “This is great news for people looking for travel deals on one last summer getaway.” The Labor Day data report shows average daily rate at domestic hotels is $143, only $4 higher than Labor Day weekend 2009.

Best-Value Routes for Labor Day Weekend (in order of popularity):

Origination City   Destination City   Average RT Fare   YoY Change
Chicago   New York City   $201   -8%
San Francisco   Honolulu   $406  


Denver   Las Vegas   $191   -3%
New York City   Atlanta   $226  


South Florida   Las Vegas   $337   flat


  New York City   $219   -8%
San Francisco   Maui   $500   -21%
Boston   Las Vegas   $311   -4%

Tampa/St Petersburg

  Detroit   $186   -17%
Atlanta   Chicago   $183   -5%


Source: Travelocity / Nevistas

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