NBTA Publishes Paper on Traveler Tracking & Risk Management Solutions

The National Business Travel Association (NBTA), the leading provider of resources for the travel management community, this week published a paper developed by the NBTA Travel & Meetings Risk Management Committee on Traveler Tracking & Risk Management Solutions. The paper is available to NBTA members, as well as attendees of this week’s NBTA International Convention & Exposition being held this week in Houston, TX.

The paper discusses the range of solutions available and outlines the difference between the types of solutions, pricing models, and critical factors to consider in the selection process, helping travel managers implement duty of care standards within their companies. Traveler Tracking & Risk Management Solutions also includes a discussion on the business case for travel risk management.

“The business case for implementing duty of care standards falls in line with the basic tenet of risk management theory: the cost of prevention is cheaper than the cost of dealing with incidents,” said Shelly Lewchuk, CTE, CCTE, Chair of the NBTA Travel & Meetings Risk Management Committee. “We are pleased to offer the Traveler Tracking & Risk Management Solutions paper to help the travel buyer make a more informed decision about the type of solution best suited to their organization.”

Critical considerations in evaluating risk management service providers are outlined as:

  • System availability and response time

  • Travel data completeness and accuracy

  • Ability to define organizational structure within the tool

  • Capturing employee contact information

  • Dynamic event situation reporting

  • Query and reporting flexibility

  • Capability to capture and/or add alternate location information

  • Supplier interface

The first distribution of the paper is on USB drives provided to attendees of the 2010 NBTA Convention in Houston – The Business Travel Event of the Year. NBTA members can access the paper at www.nbta.org.

Source: NBTA / Nevistas

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