All Nippon Airways: Notice Regarding Merger of Consolidated Subsidiaries

The Company hereby announces that, in a decision made at the meetings of their respective Boards. of Directors held on July 15, 2010, four of its consolidated subsidiaries, namely ANA Sales Co., Ltd., ANA Sales Hokkaido Co., Ltd., ANA Sales Kyushu Co., Ltd., and ANA Sales Okinawa Co., Ltd. will merge

The Company hereby announces that, in a decision made at the meetings of their respective Boards of Directors held on July 15, 2010, four of its consolidated subsidiaries, namely ANA Sales Co., Ltd., ANA Sales Hokkaido Co., Ltd., ANA Sales Kyushu Co., Ltd., and ANA Sales Okinawa Co., Ltd. will merge, as noted below:

1. Objective of the Merger

  In accordance with the ANA Group FY2010-2011 Corporate Strategy announced on March 19, 2010, the Company will be reorganizing its sales structure with the goal of improving its mobility and ability to execute, while consolidating functions and streamlining systems. By making ANA Sales, which is responsible for ANA ticket sales in Japan and the operation of the Sky Holiday and Hallo Tours travel businesses, a single entity, the Company hopes to shift to a management structure which makes better use of its human resources, postulated on a consolidation of overlapping functions and an improvement in personnel mobility.

2. ASX/ASH/ASK/ASO merger date (effective date)

  October 1, 2010 (scheduled)

3. Method of the merger

  This will be an acquisition and merger, with ASX the surviving company. ASH, ASK, and ASO shall be dissolved.

4. Overview of the Parties to the Merger (as of March 31, 2010)

  *1 As of April 1, 2010
  *2 Includes temporary employees. Includes employees transferred to the company, but not those transferred externally.


Source: All Nippon Airways / Nevistas

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