Generational Stereotypes - What We All Do! - By John Hendrie

'Kids, what shall we do with those Kids today'? Boomers and Gen X’ers are just as befuddled with the next Generation(s). Good Lord, they are sitting right next to me. Maybe, they manage me (at some point, they actually will).

Who are these people? Are they “…those self-indulgent, entitled, demanding, spoiled-rotten, techno-dependant, video-game- addicted, impatient, spotlight-grabbing, saggy-pants-wearing, pierced and tattooed, disrespectful, in-your-face, know-it-alls?” Or, perhaps, we are discussing those “…talented, techno-savvy, multi-tasking, optimistic, fearless, resilient, trend-setting, team-oriented, nondiscriminatory, environmentally vigilant, socially conscience, out-of-the-box thinkers?”

I need guidance, just like everyone else (you parents, teachers, managers, executives out there) and have found a good source with Eric Chester and his Generation Why perspective. Each generation leaves its’ mark and distinction with, in my opinion, the best to date being those who returned from WWII – they transformed their societies and economies.

As Mr. Chester points out, “Every time you and I paint generation Y (or, for that matter, any sector of our population) with a broad brush, we miss as much ground as we cover. As we accurately stereotype one individual, we’re describing the antithesis of his twin brother. In so doing, we alter our expectations, and that will, inevitably, alter our outcomes.” Continuing his sage perspective, “When we engage a young person in hopes of making a connection and influence an action or behavior, the onus is on us to lay aside our prejudices, profiles, and preconceptions. It is then when we can focus on who they are as individuals, expect the best from them, and begin to work towards getting the best out of them.”

Boy, this takes patience, which fortunately does come with age. Now, if they would only remove those ear plugs, we could discuss the merits of Thelonious Monk, who stated the obvious. “All musicians stimulate each other. The vibrations get scattered around.”

Source: LRA Worldwide / Nevistas

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