AHLEI’s New Video On Demand Service Offers Convenience, Affordability

The American Hotel & Lodging Educational Institute (AHLEI) is now offering online video rentals of some of its popular hospitality training titles. Customers can access streaming video content online for 14 days at a fraction of the cost of purchasing a video in DVD format ($29.95 for AH&LA members; $39.95 for nonmembers).
Titles initially available for rental through Video On Demand are:

Front Desk First Impressions

Preventive Guestroom Maintenance

Lodging Safety Works

Housekeeping: Quality Guestroom Cleaning

Housekeeping: Laundry Operations

10-Minute Trainer: Housekeeping

“Video On Demand addresses a common customer request for short-term rentals of our video products at a discounted price,” stated Robert L. Steele III, CHA, AHLEI’s president and COO. “The generous rental period and exceptional value of this new program makes AHLEI’s video library affordable for any property. In addition, all online Video On Demand titles offer a full-screen option, perfect for projecting to a group.”

Video On Demand is available through AHLEI’s online shopping cart. For additional information, visit http://www.ahlei.org/vod or call 800-752-4567 or 517-372-8800.  Outside the U.S. and Canada, call 407-999-8100. 

Source: AH&LA / Nevistas

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