Despite Record Prices, High Demand for 2009 Bordeaux

Just released as futures, the 2009 vintage wines from Bordeaux are selling briskly around the world.

Bordeaux, France’s most important wine-producing region, is rolling out sales of its latest vintage, the highly rated 2009. The wines are still in barrel and will not be delivered until 2011, but despite record prices for the top châteaus, demand is strong around the world.

According to Wine Spectator reporting (, the top wines are expected to sell for more than $1,200 per bottle, particularly the prestigious first-growth châteaus such as Lafite Rothschild. So far, demand for the most expensive bottlings is strongest in Asia, particularly Hong Kong.

Top retailers in the U.S. report that even though many 2009 prices exceed those of in-stock 2000s and 2005s, customers have been eager. Across the board, retailers and négociants are calling Château Pontet-Canet a good buy even though the $132 retail price is 61 percent higher than the 2005 futures price. Alfred Tesseron's estate has made big improvements in recent years, and the wine scored a potential 95-98 points from Wine Spectator.

Other smart buys, according to retailers, include Lynch-Bages (96-99 points), Malescot-St.-Exupéry (97-100), Léoville Poyferré (93-96), Domaine de Chevalier (93-96), Smith-Haut-Lafitte (95-98), Montrose (97-100) and Pavie-Macquin (96-99).

Record high prices are being justified by the high quality of the wines. Wine Spectator has reviewed more than 675 barrel samples from 2009 in exclusive blind tastings; a complete list of scores is available at ( members can view full tasting notes at

Wine Spectator is the world’s most popular wine magazine. Founded in 1976, it publishes 15 issues per year and covers the entire world of wine, reviewing more than 15,000 wines each year in independent blind tastings. It now counts more than 2.8 million readers worldwide (MRI Spring, 2010).

Source: Restaurant News Resource / Nevistas

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