Get the 'Bang for Your Buck' With Text Message Marketing

The future is now, and your marketing will not cost an arm and a leg, you reach the audience you seek, and the results are immediate.
Talk about developing Brand awareness, building Guest Loyalty, and driving sales. The means are here, they have been tested and you need to get onboard, for Text Message Marketing works.

We, who are somewhat technology challenged, have been watching a new phenomenon in the marketplace. For me, it started in the last quarter of 2009, as retail began to focus on the Christmas sales effort in an otherwise darkened economic landscape. The assignment was clear – how does one better communicate with one’s audience, engage them, excite them to visit and make the transaction easy, almost transparent. Savvy retailers (stores, restaurants, hotels and recreation/entertainment venues) embraced the ever present cell phone and drove traffic to their doors through Text Message Marketing. Just consider:

- MOBILE is the primary form of communication for people ages 13-34
- 86% of the population 13 and up own a cell phone+
- 95% of existing cell phone contracts have SMS built into the agreement
- Over 90% of text marketing messages are opened and read vs. 40% e-mail
- There were over one Trillion Text Messages Sent by Mobile users in 2009

In my research the applications are endless. You can send mobile coupons with barcodes, new product information, company updates, web links and alerts and any other information you would like to convey to your existing and potential Guests/Customers. There is no arm twisting, as everyone can opt-out, if they wish.

Text Message Marketing is hot, it works, it’s inexpensive and it is transformative (and, a no-brainer). I wonder what is next?

Source: LRA Worldwide / Nevistas

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