Free Forward-Looking Compset Group Rate Reports

Complimentary one-month trial GroupMetrix subscription for the first 50 responders

GroupMetrix is the most cost effective and efficient way to obtain accurate forward-looking competitors’ group and meeting rates.  This unique and innovative service provides authenticated and verified group and meeting rates for future arrival dates for any hotel in the world.

And now, you can try the service for free.

Don Bundock, President of Quality Track International says “Competitors’ group rates and pricing strategy are the most challenging pieces of competitive intelligence for a hotel to obtain. Group rates are not published in any electronic system and can only be accurately obtained by systematically ‘shopping the competition.’ We make it simple to obtain a clear view of your competitor’s rates and pricing strategy.”

The GroupMetrix group rate shopping service uses elaborate corporate identities to facilitate an incredibly

realistic group shop process that uncovers a competitor’s true rates.   


Customer Price Resistance:  Real group and meeting customers rarely accept the first rates offered. Real customers “push back” on pricing, and so do GroupMetrix shoppers. When sales managers respond to price resistance the fade rates offered provide valuable insight into their rate structure and pricing strategy. 

GroupMetrix CompSet Group-Rate Reports provide unparalleled insight into competitors’ rates and pricing strategy and include all the rate components that factor into a group or meeting quotation:

  • room rates  and inclusions,

  • in-room internet and meeting room internet,

  • catering (breakfast, breaks, lunch, dinner) and minimum F&B guarantees

  • meeting room and AV rates, 

  • comp rooms, upgrades and master bill discounts.

The rate reports include the initial set of rates offered plus any rate reductions resulting from the response to rate resistance.

To receive a free one-month trial of the GroupMetrix service: Click here to register.

The number of free trials each month is limited, so don’t delay.

The ongoing GroupMetrix service includes 2 rate shops per month on each of 4 competitors, for a total of 8 rate shops. The total cost is just $129 per month.

Sample GroupMetrix rate report - Sample Report      and Frequently Asked Questions GroupMetrix FAQ

About Quality Track International, Inc.:  Quality Track International, established in 1998, is a leading worldwide provider of a full range of mystery shopping. GroupMetrix is a service provided by Quality Track.

For more information contact:  Mr. Donald Bundock, CEO, Quality Track International, Inc.,

Telephone: (416) 693-5426 or by email at [email protected]

Source: Quality Track International / Nevistas

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