Wyndham Exchange & RentalsSM to Acquire Hoseasons

Wyndham Worldwide (NYSE:WYN) today announced that its Exchange & Rentals business unit, the European leader in exclusive marketing of independent holiday accommodation, has agreed to acquire Hoseasons Holdings Ltd, one of the UK

The acquisition price is approximately $60 million, net of estimated cash acquired. The transaction is subject to the consent of the Financial Services Authority (FSA), which the companies hope to obtain before the end of the first quarter. Wyndham Worldwide expects this acquisition to be accretive in 2011.

Hoseasons, with a proud and distinguished 65-year heritage, is one of the best-known brand names in UK tourism. The company provides a wide range of holiday offerings in over 15,000 lodges, cottages, villas, caravans and boats across seven European countries.


Source: Wyndham / Nevistas

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