Delta Air Lines Reports February Traffic

Delta Air Lines (NYSE: DAL) today reported traffic results for February 2010. System traffic in February 2010 decreased 2.6 percent compared to February 2009 on a 6.1 percent decrease in capacity. Load factor increased 2.8 points to 77.1 percent.

Domestic traffic decreased 3.3 percent year over year on a 4.6 percent decrease in capacity.  Domestic load factor increased 1.0 point to 78.8 percent.  International traffic decreased 1.5 percent year over year on an 8.5 percent decrease in capacity, and load factor increased 5.3 points to 74.3 percent.  


Delta Air Lines
Monthly Traffic Results (a)

February 2010 February 2009 Change
RPMs (000):
Domestic 7,937,949 8,208,678 (3.3%)
Mainline 6,206,895 6,446,654 (3.7%)
Regional 1,731,054 1,762,025 (1.8%)
International 4,556,685 4,625,521 (1.5%)
Latin America 1,058,394 1,017,000 4.1%
Mainline 1,036,475 1,000,404 3.6%
Regional 21,919 16,596 32.1%
Atlantic 1,995,819 2,146,056 (7.0%)
Pacific 1,502,472 1,462,465 2.7%
System 12,494,634 12,834,199 (2.6%)

ASMs (000):
Domestic 10,071,021 10,555,228 (4.6%)
Mainline 7,767,826 8,091,515 (4.0%)
Regional 2,303,195 2,463,713 (6.5%)
International 6,136,380 6,707,255 (8.5%)
Latin America 1,388,305 1,369,435 1.4%
Mainline 1,358,038 1,343,428 1.1%
Regional 30,267 26,007 16.4%
Atlantic 2,913,042 3,513,162 (17.1%)
Pacific 1,835,033 1,824,658 0.6%
System 16,207,401 17,262,483 (6.1%)

Load Factor
Domestic 78.8% 77.8% 1.0 pts
Mainline 79.9% 79.7% 0.2 pts
Regional 75.2% 71.5% 3.7 pts
International 74.3% 69.0% 5.3 pts
Latin America 76.2% 74.3% 1.9 pts
Mainline 76.3% 74.5% 1.8 pts
Regional 72.4% 63.8% 8.6 pts
Atlantic 68.5% 61.1% 7.4 pts
Pacific 81.9% 80.2% 1.7 pts
System 77.1% 74.3% 2.8 pts

Passengers Boarded 10,874,769 11,400,286 (4.6%)

Mainline Completion
Factor 94.7% 99.2% (4.5) pts

Cargo Ton Miles
Passenger Cargo 166,531 115,896 43.7%
Freighter Cargo 0 39,686 (100.0%)
System 166,531 155,582 7.0%

(a) Results include flights operated under contract carrier arrangements.

Delta Air Lines
Year To Date Traffic Results (a)

February 2010 February 2009 Change
RPMs (000):
Domestic 16,388,172 16,895,251 (3.0%)
Mainline 12,832,333 13,327,346 (3.7%)
Regional 3,555,839 3,567,904 (0.3%)
International 9,912,269 10,465,922 (5.3%)
Latin America 2,211,835 2,178,123 1.5%
Mainline 2,172,472 2,139,430 1.5%
Regional 39,363 38,694 1.7%
Atlantic 4,502,997 5,024,043 (10.4%)
Pacific 3,197,437 3,263,756 (2.0%)
System 26,300,441 27,361,172 (3.9%)

ASMs (000):
Domestic 21,216,319 21,919,675 (3.2%)
Mainline 16,344,753 16,834,433 (2.9%)
Regional 4,871,565 5,085,242 (4.2%)
International 13,003,280 14,424,086 (9.9%)
Latin America 2,845,838 2,886,107 (1.4%)
Mainline 2,790,438 2,826,240 (1.3%)
Regional 55,401 59,867 (7.5%)
Atlantic 6,300,288 7,553,727 (16.6%)
Pacific 3,857,153 3,984,252 (3.2%)
System 34,219,599 36,343,761 (5.8%)

Load Factor
Domestic 77.2% 77.1% 0.1 pts
Mainline 78.5% 79.2% (0.7) pts
Regional 73.0% 70.2% 2.8 pts
International 76.2% 72.6% 3.6 pts
Latin America 77.7% 75.5% 2.2 pts
Mainline 77.9% 75.7% 2.2 pts
Regional 71.1% 64.6% 6.5 pts
Atlantic 71.5% 66.5% 5.0 pts
Pacific 82.9% 81.9% 1.0 pts
System 76.9% 75.3% 1.6 pts

Passengers Boarded 22,502,920 23,569,888 (4.5%)

Cargo Ton Miles
Passenger Cargo 319,826 230,140 39.0%
Freighter Cargo 0 75,281 (100.0%)
System 319,826 305,421 4.7%

(a) Results include flights operated under contract carrier arrangements.

Source: Delta Air Lines / Nevistas

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