Official European Poker Tour Statement

On Saturday, March 6th at approximately 2.15pm CET, an armed robbery took place at the European Poker Tour (EPT) event in Berlin. Four armed men were involved in the robbery, which targeted the tournament registration desk outside the tournament area. No shots were fired and nobody was seriously injured.

The suspects quickly fled after a security guard intervened, and they currently remain at-large. The police investigation so far has shown that the suspects had a handgun and a machete. Contrary to tabloid reports, no Kalashnikov assault rifles or hand grenades were used. The suspects did not enter the tournament area and, according to the police, the offenders made off with approximately 200,000 Euro.

The tournament resumed after a few hours and the 1 million Euro first prize was won on Sunday by Kevin MacPhee, a 29-year-old American from Idaho. The tournament took place on the first floor of the Grand Hyatt Hotel at Marlene-Dietrich-Platz and was held by SPIELBANK Berlin Casino.

The police are working closely with the EPT and SPIELBANK Berlin to capture the suspects and are asking anyone who has information, video footage or photographs that might aid the investigation to contact them at:

The police president of Berlin
Police Press Office
Platz der Luftbr

Source: Gaming Industry Wire / Nevistas

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