Starwood Hotels Hit With $3 Million Verdict For Unlawful Retaliation

Immigrant Baker at the Westin Hotel in Times Square Awarded $3 Million by a Federal Jury Because of Hidden Camera Installed in Retaliation for Discrimination Complaints Will Return to Work Today

Yesterday afternoon, after a more than three-week trial in Manhattan Federal Court, a jury awarded $3 million dollars to baker Moises Mendez, a 46-year old immigrant from Ecuador and a resident of Washington Heights, who repeatedly filed complaints with the Human Resources Department at the Westin Hotel at Times Square (the "Westin Hotel") about alleged discrimination being committed against him at the hotel based on his race (Hispanic) and national origin (Ecuadorian).

A federal jury found that Starwood Hotels unlawfully retaliated against Mr. Mendez, a hardworking and dedicated employee, when it secretly installed a hidden camera near his workstation in the kitchen of the Westin Hotel shortly after he filed written complaints of unlawful discrimination with the Human Resources Department.

Source: Starwood / Nevistas

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