5 Keys To Doing More With Less

Tips to help destinations and attractions deal with a down economy

It’s been well over a year since the financial crisis hit, with millions of jobs lost and businesses making cutbacks in people, capital investment, and especially advertising. Talk of depression permeated budget and management meetings, as marketers shook in their boots. We know that destinations, attractions, resorts, and other tourism-related marketers face an even more acute version of this anxiety as we see statistic after statistic roll in marking the decreases in our businesses.

Perhaps the single best antidote to this anxiety, according to a recent issue of the Wanderlust Report, is to generate some marketing successes, some positive results to offset the gloom and doom.

“Knowing that a dollar invested in smart marketing will deliver a bankable return in business is key to making it through the valley and setting your sights on the next peak,” said Patrick Reilly, EVP Planning and Research at Wanderlust. “As we endure doing our jobs with less – less media spend, less help from staffing, less time – it’s a good time to shore up the foundations of our marketing programs, and create some stability for ourselves.”

Here are five important ideas that will help your destination or attraction deal with a down economy, and make leaps when everyone else is crawling.

Five Keys to Doing More With Less:

Source: Wanderlust / Nevistas

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