AirTran Pilots Respond to CEO’s 2009 Compensation Package

Union leaders for AirTran pilots, represented by the Air Line Pilots Association Int’l (ALPA), issued the following statement in response to AirTran Airways' chief executive Bob Fornaro’s receiving over a 30 percent increase in his 2009 compensation package to about $2 million.

“AirTran pilots have not had a pay raise in six years, despite several consecutive quarters of significant company growth and profits. We are pleased to see the company doling out 30 percent pay increases to its employees. These pay raises couldn’t have come at a better time, as negotiations with AirTran management on important economic sections of our contract have begun.

“AirTran pilots are paid up to 26 percent below industry average, even while AirTran managers continue to enjoy salaries and lucrative bonus packages that put them in the upper echelon of airline executives. We hope that this announcement from the company signals a willingness to fairly compensate and reward not only Mr. Fornaro, but all AirTran employees who contribute daily to this company’s success.”

The Air Line Pilots Association, International, represents 53,000 pilots in the United States and Canada, including the approximately 1,650 pilots at AirTran Airways.

Source: AirTran Airways / Nevistas

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