Burger King Corp. Receives 2010 Diversity Leader Award from Profiles in Diversity Journal

Profiles in Diversity Journal’s 2010 Diversity Leader Award, which recognizes companies for their commitment to diversity and inclusion communication practices.

Burger King Corp. (NYSE:BKC) announced the company has received Profiles in Diversity Journal’s 2010 Diversity Leader Award, which recognizes companies for their commitment to diversity and inclusion communication practices.

“At Burger King Corp., we celebrate the unique qualities and backgrounds that make each of us different and allow us to be strong contributors in our business as well as in the communities in which we work and live”

“At Burger King Corp., we celebrate the unique qualities and backgrounds that make each of us different and allow us to be strong contributors in our business as well as in the communities in which we work and live,” said Robert Perkins, vice president, inclusion and talent management, Burger King Corp. “Our ongoing commitment to diversity and inclusion is woven into our business strategy and culture and has made our company stronger and more responsive both internally and externally. We are proud that our efforts have garnered national recognition from this respected publication.”

Burger King Corp.: Committed to Diversity & Inclusion

Burger King Corp.’s diversity and inclusion efforts are built on a four-pillar strategy, encompassing its workforce, community, restaurant guests and operators/suppliers. Within its workforce, the company is dedicated to recruiting, retaining and developing its employees from diverse backgrounds, as well as creating a workplace where everyone can thrive both personally and professionally.

BKC’s commitment to people goes beyond its employees and reaches into the communities in which we work and live. Through the HAVE IT YOUR WAY

Source: Burger King / Nevistas

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