It Takes Attitude, More Than An Economic Turnaround, For Hotels To Recover From The Recession - By Neil Salerno

For many hotels, their recession has been over for quite some time now. These hoteliers realized that recovery from a bad economy is a matter of attitude, more than reality, and that it takes pro-activity to succeed in a bad economy. Determination, strong marketing, and hard work pulled these hotels back into the black, while other hoteliers are still waiting for something magical to happen with the economy.

We all know that the recession is all too real, but I do believe that there are two kinds of hoteliers; those who make things happen and those who wait for things to happen. I am full of admiration for the many hoteliers who are taking a pro-active approach to the challenges presented by the poor economy. These hoteliers resisted the hand-wringing and woe-is-me mind-set, so favored by others, and got tougher when the going got tough.

Source: HTrends / Nevistas

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