HFTP's 2010 Club and Hotel Controllers Conference Includes Extended Education Schedule

Addressing current hospitality controller issues, Hospitality Financial and Technology Professionals' (HFTP®) Club and Hotel Controllers Conference now includes an extended schedule with two full days of education sessions. The conference, co-located with the 2010 Hospitality Industry Technology Exposition and Conference (HITEC®), is June 22-23 at the Orange County Convention Center in Orlando, Fla.

"I believe HFTP's Club and Hotel Controllers Conference is successful year after year because it is a good support conference that offers industry specific education," said Lenora D. Streitfeld, CHAE, CHTP, controller at Seawane Golf and Country Club and co-chair of the HFTP Education Advisory Council. "With the conference co-located with HITEC 2010, it has additional benefits like extra education opportunities, access to the largest hospitality technology exposition and an even larger group of hospitality professionals to network with."

With an extended education schedule, the conference offers up to 16 continuing education credits and additional opportunities to network with colleagues. Conference registration includes entrance to the HITEC Welcome Reception, specific time set aside for the HITEC exhibit hall and additional education opportunities, including HITEC's Opening Session with fraud expert Frank Abagnale, Jr.

The conference's two full days of education includes two industry-specific concurrent tracks — one for hotels and the other for clubs — and these general sessions:

  • The Evolution of Customer Service with Andy Stangenberg, CEO of Q-Principle, Inc.
    Learn leadership fundamentals and social skill elements to enhance your work environment using blended and improv learning techniques.

  • FACTA: A Business' Failure to See the "Red Flags" Invites More Than Penalties with Stacy Cooper, senior counsel for Gordon and Rees LLP and Phillip R. Maltin, partner at Gordon and Rees LLP
    Get the FACTA basics and learn how to create anti-identity theft polices that track the "red flag rules."

Source: HFTP / Nevistas

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